
Showing posts from January, 2019

Half of a century

We're born into a country that nowadays many die in by force; few are willing to die in and even fewer are willing to die for. The officers, firemen, EMT's and such are fighting to save lives in a country where those same lives don't amount to as much as they used to. We now live in a world where victims can point a finger at someone and it's misinterpreted and shut down for profit. Back when I was growing up, disrespect wasn't tolerated; telling your mom that you hated her was out of pocket and would get you beat up. Now? You see mothers getting arrested for disciplining their kids when caught breaking into a neighbor's house. We now live in a country where the president can throw a fit and destabilize the livelihood of almost a million people.....

Tips for the job climbers......

So I'm now employed; and Uncle Harris left me with these tips: Advice: 1) Learn everything about your job as good and fast as possible. 2) Become indispensable and needed. 3) Take every opportunity to get more training that your company will pay for...including conferences and webinars. 4) Consider doing some of the "thankless" jobs/tasks" that others might shy away from and excel at them. 5) Set your eyes and goals on your next/ideal position at your company and diplomatically strive for it. 6) Find a Mentor! 7) Don't focus on being necessarily liked but focus on being respected for your work. 8) DON'T GET YOUR HONEY WHERE YOU GET YOUR MONEY! 9) Arrive 15 minutes early and leave 15 minutes after your scheduled time... whether you are paid for it or not. 10) Sometimes you have to agree to disagree and not always try to bring people to your side if thinking. Please refer to the aforementioned often (weekly) during your first six months). OK...? ...