Too Deep for [an] intro

"Past is only cemented: hard to change and even harder to control..." So I'm going back to college, the thing is that I don't have anyone to support me mentally, not with the fervor that I have made sure people are ok with their own processes. But this isn't a bitching post. 25 years ago today, I was sitting in a room (learning center(?)" In foster care. Watching TV and I saw a show called Blue's Clues. The energy, the connection being built up with someone that I didn't know. This was hands down the only thing I can watch without feeling weird. But the original shows host came back to talk to us about why he left and how proud he was of for all our accomplishments........ It's been the most heartwarming and heartbreaking moment in 2021. Mostly because it's one of the things I put in the back of my head...... Here's my paw print Steve, right on my heart where you left it.....