Ol' School Nature V.S. New School Jam: Which is Better?
Whats Up it is the 18th of February, and I just Wanna check into make sure all is kosher. I find myself in a bit of a bind , I can't seem to find a significant balance between the old school upbringing i lived with, and the new school tactics of my generation. I seem to be considered lame because of my odd nature(I'm hype some days and silent others) I don't give a complete hoot about peoples opinions of me [-_-], but it baffles me that I'm so out-of-place in modern-day teenage society. Everyday I go to school and I'm like "WTF IS A LIL B?", "WTF IS THE CATDADDY?". So am I wrong for my ignorance of the new school, while there are possibly of thousands of teens who don't know who the GAP BAND was?