Straight Male Egoists

If you don't know what that is, it's the assumed pride and mental state of the general heterosexual male. Y'know, the pride, dishonest and philandering nature of that we are supposed to have. I am a straight black man BUT I apparently have been cut from a different cloth..... Sitting in a cargo van heading to go pick up a load of food for Atlanta Public Schools and the two other passengers(both men) are talking about recent conquests. And as I listen to my music on full blast, I look up to both of them looking at me asking for my input. Asking questions like: "How was your weekend? (granted it's Thursday and they've seen me all week.)" "Did you clap cheeks?" "Did you do the touchdown dance afterwards?" (I'm guessing I'm in a rolling locker room 🙄) I'm perplexed by the questions because I'm wondering: "WHAT IN THE F$&K ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION?!" *Ahem* Because J. Cole said it best: "....