In the House; In a Heartbeat

Imagine: Waking up to a world where you no longer know who you are. You do as you are told, not because it's right; not because it advances you in life but solely because you are so used to it. So used to it that you are numb to the side effects and consequences of the act. Being nice to your enemies, dating people who have cheated on you; making decisions for people because you care more about their opinion of you than you do about the opinion on yourself. So you have to run around acting like nothing is wrong. As you break down because of the toxic rage coursing through your are surrounded by people who are oblivious to the way you really feel. You hide your emotions from people because the ones that can help charge a fee for helping keep the world from blowing up in chaos. And the one's close to you don't care to help because life right? Every time you close your eyes, you are greeted an eternally angry version of you. Beating at the back of your eyes.......