Cracks in the glass ceiling.....

For 25 years I've had to brushups with the darker minds of society.



Drug dealers


And child molesters.

"To get to where you are going, you must first acknowledge where you are."

Who am I?

Where was I?

Where am I going?

I ask myself these multiple times a day.

I've been told that I was resourceful, intelligent, cunning at times.

But that's tapping into the situation I came from, the antisocial, baser side that dad has repulsed daily for 10 years. an effort to find himself; he has begun to alienate me. Making me feel less than useful. Reminding and enjoying reminiscing on my failures and shortcomings.

He wants maturity, but what is developing is a side that I don't know if I can control:

As the first picture shows, I am slipping. Slipping into a unfamiliar realm that I have no idea how or WHAT I'm going to do or even be for that matter.

I always that once I got "...out of the night that covers me..."; I'd stay out of it.

In my ignorance I thought I would bloom in fair weather.

But in "light" of my new life. I've (much like the Moonflower) been blooming in the same shade I was born into.

I've built a house with rose tinted ceilings to try and change my reality. But does a change in scenery constitute a change in reality?

Apparently the cracks in the ceiling argue against the possible 'yes'.


  1. The writer of this piece must realize that with growth comes changes. Some of those changes are in how others view one and relate to one and treat one! When a person is no longer a child, don’t expect people to treat one still as they did when that person was a child!!!


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