
Showing posts from September, 2018

On this day.........

Free at last..... Free at last..... THANK GOD ALMIGHTY! I'M FREE AT LAST! There is so much pressure...... And I'm applying about 90% of it 5 years 60 months 260 weeks 1,825 days 2,628,000 minutes 31,536,000 seconds Since the day I had to make a choice between living and dying. And afterwards; having to decide on just how much I love others and love myself. I could have been a true burden and not improved at all and forced my family to have to succumb to being alone and sacrificing their lives to make sure that I can retain mine. Slowly but surely I made sure I broke history and got tubes removed and replaced my past reputation with a better present and a more dynamic future. I've broken records, I've talked people out of committing suicide, I've graduated college, I've taken things in stride...... I've supported people who have been a burden to me and others..... I've supported people who have the time, money, resources and staples to s...

With all due respect.....

Not really understanding some things that are happening in the world today, that's how I feel. Screaming: "Yo word to mother...." but quick to pick up a gun. Yeah, that's truly real..... And respect for the ones that keep it true.... Learning about a deuce deuce at twenty two? The fuck you need to learn that for stupid fool?! But that's one question I have and the answer I'll never get; Killing for a difference in opinion is a different sin. Trump supporters or not; let's hear it from both sides and try to be friends. But we're too busy bugging and beefing to look each other in the face; the same one's we spit in.... But quick to swag surf with wolves; post it on the gram. Caption: "#winning" Ask me for my motivation? Sure. I'll tell you. I'm here to be a quieted observer, one that has in his heart and hates being apart..... Of the same group of people who seems to be hell bent on the destruction we won't recover fr...

Welcome to the mind of........

Want to see how I think? Simple: Everyone is equal to everyone. The amount of money that you have is meaningless once that clock strikes zero because you [can't take it when you die; but you can't live without it]. Religion isn't a lifestyle; it's a way to live life to the fullest without unnecessary struggling. You don't immerse yourself in religion and evade life. You live life and avoid the true evils. [My body is my temple and I will live in my temple] We are becoming more of the enemies we hate, watch how fast we lash out at each other. Based on colors, races, genders and sexual orientation. We are going to be the end of the world.....[ghost and goblins run amuck in the cavern of Rhine.......]