October's Own

So in recognition of the month of October as breast cancer awareness and mental health awareness month.

I'm going to try to take a different approach to the way I make the blog posts. And in this one, I'm going to actually write to the people that I think about on a daily basis and I will let you know how I feel about you.

1. Dad (Anthony T. Bostic)
You are truly a blessing and inspiration to me. Allowing me to see you as a person and you parenting me as you have. I've learned a lot from you. I've become a better man with a recognized past, a good present and a interesting future. I went from a personified variable to a high school graduate to a college graduate. You stuck behind me and never folded even when countless people have. As I prepare to move forward and move out; I'm confident that I can prosper with the family you've given me and the family I've created.

Thank you.

2. Uncle Harris (Harris C. Bostic, II)

Thank you for embracing me as soon as you met me and allowing me to show you the side of me that I couldn't readily show my Dad. You nurtured my artistry and creative writing by telling me how to go about making it known that I can achieve my goals with a little more effort than I thought possible.

Thank you.

3. Netta (Darnetta L. Hopkins)

Chin up love bug. We'll see better days. I know that I'm by far the most irksome person that you have to deal with (by choice); but you do and I appreciate you for staying despite the turbulence we've experienced. Hopefully you can understand my method of operations and the reasons why I do things in the manner that I do.

4. Takamaru Gaiden (Antonio K. Brown, II)

The Dean to my Sam! You've been here what feels like forever and we stick together like Hydrogen and Oxygen!
We make sure that the other is ok and we have so many inside jokes. You won't allow me to get quiet and I sometimes appreciate your patience and persistence when I do. Thanks for being the one of the brothers I needed.

5. Light (Leroy Tyler, III)

Since 8th grade, you've been here encouraging me to try new things and dare to be different. You've been a wonderful listening ear and watching you mature and grow with me has been wonderous. Thanks for your brotherhood.

6. Nix (Iniki S. Franklin)

Y'know, there is something to be said about the personality of individuals who have made the choices that you have made. But I have no idea what or why you do what you choose to. It's been 10 years that I have had the INIKI EXPERIENCE and people would that I am insane for holding steady for as long as I have. But remember the promise I told you: "I'll hate you, when my dad hates me". Besides, one has to be mature about the situations right? I'm not going to cut ties with you. But I'm also sorry for the inconveniences caused by me. Hopefully God will change the way you look at me.

Yak (Yakki T. Weems)

So we're not on the same page as we once were. I think I have a tremendous amount to do with that. You're still my brother and I love you to pieces. But I think the accident in 2013 and the results of my actions afterwards have caused a substantial rift. As we look across the gap; please understand that I am grateful for you and your family and I hope that we can recover soon.


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