F**k Nigga

To Leroy and Darnetta,

"Where's your empathy nigga? I promise I see the bitch in these niggas." - Clifford "T.I." Harris

I'd like to apologize for my consent to the opportunity to consummation of a sexual relationship in December.

To make the assumption that you would capable of doing it and then pushing forward with life (y'know Adulting) proved to be a mistake that would be extended for almost 6 months. But to be honest, I'm not sure why I expected it to start and end because of how it started:


You simply asked if we could have a threesome. In which after our past experiences, I became nervous about saying "no" because I didn't want you to step out and cheat again.

But then my mind starts working in overtime to see just how faithful to me you would be to the relationship (because you claimed to have had an epiphany after I broke up with you for Iniki.)

But then again habits die hard right?

So I began to list the people who I knew then I separated the people who you have had close contact with where you bit your lip: Antonio and Leroy.

After the conversation with Takamaru; he made it quite clear that you were cool enough to talk to around me and that's it.

So Leroy was left, then the question became: how can I get him to say yes?

Simple: catch him when Ashley wasn't available and you were. With Antonio's sudden embargo on Ashley's presence. That made it simple.

So off we went, treat him to something to eat (because the quickest way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach right?)

Helped him close up the shop and sat down at the Waffle House and popped the question.

15:85 odds I'd lose the bet. But that's a risk I was willing to take. You both said sure and we entered into the second stage of the plan.

Next came the question of who's moral compass would spark first: my bro for 11 at the time, or the woman who claims to be so depressed?

Neither did you spoke up to contest it, you both started having sex and I stepped out of the room and cracked Antonio's door and waited. Came back in and it was the same thing as when I left.

Leroy's conscience was getting to him and so was yours was too. But sadly not enough to get you two to stop.

So this time I stepped out of the house for an extended period of time to let the weight fully drop.

Once I did that, made a few phone calls and waited. Went back in. Only then the ramifications click and you both stopped.


As time went on, I started having visions of you having sex with someone big.

I dismissed it as a suspicion with no weight because you are a family member who wouldn't betray me like that.

Until April...... when you called me a dick head and left the group chat. I had a really intense vision that night but I kept it to myself and played ignorant.

I waited for a few weeks and I started probing and baiting for information about you two. In typical fashion, she stated that nothing was going on. So I started baiting by giving gifts (give a little; get a lot) knowing she didn't deserve it but the ends justified the means right?

So as she laid next to me, I looked at her messages to you and that sealed the deal.

I'm mad at both of you but no love lost. I just want to know why.

Why'd you do it?
What did you think was going to happen?
And lastly: what of Ashley?

Are you going to tell her?

Because March, April and May? In a Jeep?


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