High for Hours

This feeling is called euphoria

  1. a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness.
    "the euphoria of success will fuel your desire to continue training"
Because this has to be a dream.

Don't get me wrong, not every dream has a happy ending. No pot of gold, fairies or princes. And this is one of the most intense euphoric ones.

- got a 6.05 million count pandemic on our hands.
- 16.8% unemployment rate in the United States alone.
- racial division at an all-time high
- political and judicial systemic chaos occurring at an all time high average.

I, as a black man already have to deal with stereotypical nuances from men, women and children of my own race; but I have to deal with it from others as well?

Sic Semper Fidelis [Always loyal; Always Faithful]

As the looting and rioting continue, I have to ask: 'as much as I have dealt with in the past 4 years (let alone 27), how can I as a [black] care about everything when I have access to everything all at once?

When do I get a chance to come off the euphoria?


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