Santorini Greece

"Family oriented, but I'm far from friendly....." - Korporate Bidness (Santorini Greece Freestyle)

But what is family though? Genes only make you related,  but not always relatable. I have a bunch of people who I was raised around but now look at like: "who tf is this again?"🤔 because I have different experiences than them. Granted I still love them, I love the hell out of them (eh ⅘) but I know that the way I am and the way they are is like old school versus new school. Same way with my Dad, I looked at him for strength in my darkest days (and I've had a lot of them) and now I understand that our relatability stopped at 18 and I'm 29 now. 
His methods aren't my favorite anymore. I've gotten older and I think different and move different: he's always on the aggressive offensive, which is offensive for his team players, but I don't think he gets it.
Me? I'm passively offensive, I plan and move when no one is watching; I don't want to be a catalyst for chaos (organized or disorganized).
Me and him? Good comparison is America versus Canada. If you know about the mindset of the citizens you'll get the analogy.


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