Through my eyes

Well it's March 26th and its the end of the worst I've ever had.

Sunday-argued with my supposed to be homeboy about who I date. Dad
went ballistic over things I don't remember. Night before the GHSGT,
my states graduation test.

Monday-took the English Language Arts portion. Talk to a old flame and
became Facebook married(essentially). Chilled or at least tried, dealt
with more drama.

Tuesday-woke to the Mathematics portion was in a daze but I was able
to focus and finish. Dealt with some heartache and drama but otherwise
was unaffected by the day.

Wednesday-rose early for the Social Studies portion, my favorite
subject, and did well. More drama from Yakki and his I hate your
girlfriend crusade.

Thursday-Finish the week with Science, and had a pretty peaceful day.
Except the re-entry of my OTHER old flame but we aren't going anywhere now [fortunately]

Friday-BREAK UP AT THE WORST TIME!- My homegirl broke up with me......tch like it matters though.

A week of pain equals a life of experience....


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