Last Man Standing

My dad died yesterday.....

I got the news today.

How do I feel?

Numb, not the numbness felt when you hate someone. But the numbness felt when for the first 15 years of experience; everyday was a painful reminder that you were brought into the world alone and that's essentially the same way you'll go out.

Phillip Augustus Holmes, was a talented man, a loving husband and a doting father.

He taught me how to fish, how to care for dogs and gave me a taste of my old school music.

While I was young when I knew him; I'll never forget the time spent at his house listening to records and getting in trouble for opening collectors edition Hot Wheels cars. I remember getting my hair cut (an army crew cut) by him. I remember him introducing me to his wife (Barbara Holiday - who never got the title she deserved.)

All this to say, we are committed to the earth. We are born from clay; and to clay we must return.....

Ashes to ashes; dust to dust.

Rest in Peace and Quiet Father.

You've earned your wings.....


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