Kicking open the box....

[This is totally safe to read in public just a risque phrasing.]

Here's to me FINALLY dealing with life in a manner that's productive and conducive to learning from my past mistakes.

Last night, I was talking to an old friend about the changes I've made in the past 2 years (because you know, time waits for no man). So as I am updating her, I asked: "What the hell? Isn't this the same person who threatened you with a restraining order for touching base and being friendly? So you see Pandora's Box again in 12 years and you open the lid?!" And I had to relax and understand that yes, I did open the box, I'm fully prepared for whatever comes out and in a way I think I always have been. This time around, we are going to do something different: we are going to maintain the energy needed to be friends and remain friends this time around, it doesn't at all. So come on Pandora, show me your contents.


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