man I is

"See, I'm happy the man I is; and I'm proud of the man I've become...."
- Logic (Man I Is)

Standing by myself and reflecting on my achievements.... it's bittersweet.

Not to say that I thought I couldn't; more like I thought I wouldn't:

Graduate high school.
Graduate college.
Learn to walk again.
Save money.
No criminal record.
No kids/estranged baby mama(s).

I'm not knocking anyone who this doesn't apply to; shit happens to the best (and "worst") of us.

But to grow up in a "black means bad" society where you have more enemies then angels. Where hustling is seen as anarchist method and your complexion means more than what you do. Seems like negatives are POSITIVELY easier to manifest and work towards than the legal route.

And granted I've done dirt and I'm not saying that there's only one way to skin cats; but to see where I am versus where I was going is overwhelming.

Besides nowadays:

People don't pay attention to what you do, until you don't do it anymore.



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