The Whims of Fate

Everyone belongs to someone right? How is that decided though? By some unspoken relationship algorithm? Some planned coincidence? Through some process orchestrated by the Relationship Cabal (Relatio-uminati??) Someone should look into that last part. But the reason why I brought it up is because as a youth I was always told the cliche:
There is someone for everyone
. And I look back at past friends and relationships (high school esp) I went through A LOT of them. And as I look back at the Leroy's, Antonio's, Darnetta's, Seyerra's and Ta'Nisha's. I can't help but wonder: did I miss my 'lasting forever'? Granted these people are still around and I'm "grateful" for them but I'm still curious on the permanance of the bonds made..... But on the other hand I wonder if we are simply a part of the Fate sisters boredom and are subject to their whims....... Huh.......things i should really put more thought into......


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