Real quick






Picture this:

Growing up with a crack addicted mother, a forever absent father and a absentminded baby sitter.

By day, you have a childhood untarnished, by drama; no bullies; no stress; no blemishes.

Being in Indiana, placed in foster care seemed like a far off dream.

But, at night is when you understand that the only person that you can see as a friend is a bit hands on. You play with toys during the day, only to be played with like a toy at night.

So as you grow up and get a chance to see what life is like without questioning the stability of your home life. I mean, it was always in shambles. Between living with family and strangers because people had other plans, where was the love, security and protection?

As you progress on in life, you remember that it happened again and again. You can't be happy, because the concepts of the ideology is a foreign policy to you. Afraid to be around women because you can't let yourself get hurt again. But only the strong survive right?

“Fear is only paralyzing if you don't understand what you're afraid of.”

But suddenly you are blessed with a dark haired angel. Named Anthony Bostic, as afraid of losing the opportunity to be safe as you were; you can't believe that he's real. That someone is willing to give you a little piece of the safe haven kids in your position only dream, pray and wish were possible. You try him. He doesn't touch you the same way your sister did, he doesn't neglect you the way your mom did. He touches your heart and soul. He teaches you how to make use of the things you were same damaged, how you are your own worst enemy. He embraces you and holds you above his head with the family he was born into to give you the family that you've needed but never got.

Sounds like a good dream huh?

Welcome to the life of a survivor, a high school and college graduate, a brother, a son, a lover, a fighter and so much more.

To be continued…...


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