Day of Love part 2.

So talking with my dad this morning and he asked me about my plans for today. I replied: nothing. He demanded to know why and I respond: "because we can't get a good time to see each other". Which in fact the truth mind you.

He begins to get irritated because I'm not giving him a fighting chance. Which is by far my largest trigger, if you're reading this PLEASE DON'T GET SIDEWAYS with me. The closer we are in age, the more vengeful I'll be.

So as mind you we're still going back and forth. And he's suggesting that I talk to women and get a different perspective on the day.

Then I say: well I guess I'm selfish.

He retorts: "you're not selfish". After saying that I'm only concerned about myself in relationships.

Then goes on to say: I have a bunch of female friends that talk to me about this situation.

Oh really? Then explain to me: if y'all are so informed about the rights and wrongs about the dating game. THEN TELL ME HOW ARE YOU ALL STILL FUCKING SINGLE?!

Because maybe I have the game fucked up. You've dated for 25 years and most of the time, you've been single so now you want to offer relationship advice? Nope, I'm going to let you talk; but there are certain things that I won't accept.


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