Letter to my Ex

To whom this may concern,

In an effort to avoid putting you on blast over the internet. I'll state the things I have always to say to but was too kind-hearted to say to you.

So we dated for a year and a half. Broke up ultimately because you didn't want affection, what you wanted was a punching bag; but couldn't find it in me because I refused to regress back to my "foster care" state where I was a patsy for everyone.

But you also gave up on me, because of the little things that I did, you know like pranks and things. But the threesome's, the cheating, the lying, your attempts at prideful self-gratification. The contrarian ordeal where you are anti-every-single-fucking-thing-that-creates-solutions-instead-of-problems. The fact that my intelligence shook you, or maybe the fact that I'm not going to throw a pity party solely because of things that I don't want to do like you do.

I was more of a victim, and I don't whine and complain as much.
But we won't get into that.

Ask not what I have done for you; but what have you done for you.

So what have you done for you?

Or me for that matter?

Because between me helping you pass a class that you took twice before and failed (and had a 45% when I started helping you, buying you a PS Vita, a Smartwatch and a phone for you.) Not to mention the art that I helped fund by being your first customer. I didn't receive any art or the refund that I requested.

So what win do you really have that you feel that you have earned, because between the antisocial vibe that you gave at your graduation luncheon, the "feed him to the wolves" mentality that you have with me and your parents.

The fact that I didn't cheat on you when I had opportunities to do so (like Amari for instance), shows true loyalty and honesty.

But you'll never admit that to yourself right?


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