Day of Love?

Yes, the question mark is intentional.

How come we associate love with a winged baby with a bow and arrow?

Nigga has got to be white; because if he was black the FBI would be out treating folks like DC Sniper suspects and shit. 😂

But in all seriousness though,

So today's Valentine's Day, that means that women may start asking:

"NIGGA, What have you done for me lately?!"

In a Janet Jackson manner of speaking, to which some niggas will be like:

🤔 *Insert crickets here*

See nowadays, sex isn't a rarity anymore but going out on a date is. No, like in all seriousness though, a lot of people have been so far out the dating game. We (me included) have forgotten it even existed.

Hell, and it's not even about the expenses used, if anything, it's about the way you acknowledge it. Now granted, I'm not talking about you taking her out on a stack of coupons. But hell, at least a small dinner will work right?

Thought so.



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