Apple Danish review

So I think I'm going to start doing reviews.


So I purchased the album Apple Danish by Takamaru Gaiden..... 👈 click here for this and MORE! (Editor's note: I'm not the artist I'm just a reviewer lol)

So it popped up on my notifications at 12:45 in the morning. I listened to it in it's entirety, which typically I'd do eventually with J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar and Flying Lotus albums. It's a pretty good album.

Intrance (yes I know I it's spelled "entrance") starts with a demand for an unknown device to turn on the TV. I personally think that he used Google Home 😂. Apple Danish is something new and exciting, but familiar. It's 22-23 plus tracks and it's something for everyone. My personal favorites are Vennus, Heller, and Hateno (for anyone who loves Breath of the Wild)

It's a digital celebration for every occasional occurrence. I highly recommend that you give it a listen and buy it, it's $10 and it's on multiple streaming sites so yeah.

Until next time,



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