Infinite Probabilities....

So today is July 18th, and I've been thinking: "what has made me.....well 'me'?"

I understand that a person is the summation of all the actions, inactions, experiences and inexperiences that he/she has chosen. But what about the choices of others? If say a person (we'll label them A) went back and changed an action (labeling this x^nth). How would that action revision change your choice of actions?? Would it lead you changing you into a completely different person? So now we have a equation (a +(-)x^nth=??) Because no one knows how the divergence would really end right?

What if all the tears and fears could be avoided by simply making different choices.

But at the same time, what if those same revisions cost us happiness and peace promised to us further down the road?

Let's say that you were given two books: one about the life you're currently living and one where your choices were changed; would you read over the changes?


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