[Tried to spread] like a cancer (no lies)

So it's been 7 years since you've been laid to rest.

One would think that you would take better care of a younger sibling right?

Apparently, you decided that touching a little brother and hiding from our parents kept you from the bottom of the page. Right?

Well baby girl; karma tends to strike at odd times.....

Touching me (amongst other things) caused you to suffer through the cyclical process of life and having to deal with the worst card possible: cancer.

My question is: why?
- Why me?
- Why then?
- Why hide it?

You had a darling baby girl named Nevaeh (ironically enough, it fits the backwards logic behind your logic); but I wonder, would you have touched her the same way you desecrated me.

The body is a temple that you took advantage of.

But you are forgiven; because I don't want you to feel like a death knoll is enough to make amends.


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