Here you go/I'm not sure what this is......

"It's quiet on the set when it's time for action; words don't match verbs, they need closed captions...." - Emmanuel Hudson - Chess Moves

Because typically I'll have something planned out (somewhat). But tonight, I think I'm going off the rip. Soooo yeah...... Ok so, I realized that I pitch fits like someone who pitches a tent: using as a resient to get things done........ Weird right? 

 Like I get that your feelings can be your pit or peace; but at the same time I am using it to figure out what I am going to do next. 

 Reason is because I'm so used to the emotional warfare that i really think of my best ideas in the most stressful situations.

But at the same time, life is chess board and I have to figure out who's really for me.

I'm the King of my castle, kinda goes without saying.
I think I've found a Queen.
My Bishop is someone who is as militant as I am strategic. Who can get me to chill.
Knight is going to help me make the difficult moves. The calls I'm afraid to make.
Rook is the straight arrow, my enforcer.......


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