Text to an ex...
"For the longest time; you asked me why I'm here. What's my purpose in staying? Have you ever considered that maybe my purpose is to help you find your purpose? You're right, maybe you don't want me. Maybe I'm not the one who keeps your mind at ease and heart full.
But what if I am? What if I am the one but it is not my time yet. I've always been here for you, through my bloodshed, pain and stress and yours. This isn't about pulling rank this is about dedication. You don't believe that I have a relationship with Christ. But with Christ-like patience; fortitude and sacrifice. I have stood feet planted; arms-like welcoming friends and enemies alike to give and take as they saw fit. We believe different because we are different. But I fight for an audience with you; you've judged me by my past; not present or future.
I was confused and in pain back then. But I'm coming to accept the crosses I have to bear in life.
So while you focus on your life. Just know that I'm here for you when you need me to be....."
So am I really the "demon" that people try to make me out to be?
This manipulative, usurper that uses others to see my goals to completion?
I don't think so.....
Do you?
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