As I Continue

"As I progress, beset by the corrections I've made, the goals I've achieved, the one's that I have yet to reach. The friends that I have, the friends of my enemies and the chaos I've left in search of the day when I find peace. I must say that I have yet to receive a standing ovation from anyone that stands strong enough to outweigh the pain I've caused me and others."

"As I stand out from the crowd, in the face of eternal bedlam, and acknowledge the one's who have gone to be where they made true, understanding that is a future in which my drop of water and grain of rice can very easily help topple the darkness within each person, while minimizing the light, I must think about pre-planning, media-planning and post-planning with the limits I've acquired by the Fates. While I'm not the most fortunate person who ever lived, I am one of the most lucky one's to ever come from what and where I came from.


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