Death to a Decade Long situation

June 8, 2008- I met you with a smile on my face and the cleanest heart possible for someone in my position.

Through the ups and downs, I remained ever vigilant to remain the same friend that you needed and but never wanted.

10 years later on July 7, 2018 we got together as a team and briefly faced life as a duo with an incomprehensible amount of energy that went from chaotic to peaceful for awhile.......

On August 1, 2018 we split the atom and opened Pandora's box to see what was lain inside of it. Out came a whirlwind of pent up pain and hatred that was donated by you and nurtured by you. Like how a mother nurtures her baby.....

On August 18th of the same year, you made it known that you don't want anything to do with me as I don't meet up with your requirements and goals for a man.

"It's always dark right before it goes pitch black....."

Peace and Devastation......


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