The Dark Side of the Moon
Right now, I'm currently working on getting through the purge of a person that I tried to woo for 10+ years. I know that sounds like a hyperbole; but I can assure that I'm being truthful. What I could do; I did. And what I couldn't do; I tried.
But I couldn't do anything that I don't agree with. And it calls to question just how "off the reservation" I am.....
I've saved people from suicide and not in the manner of calling their bluff or using scripture. But by talking to them.....
Besides....I'll always love you....
But I'll love me more....
Continued on 8/25......
As I truly understand what I am dealing with in terms of my recovery efforts. Because while I saw this coming, it still stings......a lot......
I realize that the process won't be so long winded; arduous and painful.
Solely because I wasn't at fault this time [much].
I was called manipulative and selfish; but who isn't? It's said that hindsight is 20/20 so essentially if you can see better; you'll learn better; if you learn better, you'll know better; if you know better, you'll do better.
But who's really the problem? The "demon" striving to honestly get his wings. Or the "angel" who thinks she has hers by association?
What's good for some; may not be good for you......
What's good for the goose, may not be good for the gander.....
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